It’s time to just admit it. I will
never write a blog post that I think is good enough to post. I continue to
write article after article, only to save them to a file buried deep within my
computer where they are destined to gather dust and mildew (or, at least, that’s
what would happen if they were, you know, in a real, tangible file…). I tell
myself, “Someday I’ll go back and finish writing this. Get it all edited and spiffied
up so that it’s good enough for someone else to read.” And then it sits in that
file for months (or in some cases, years) doing absolutely no one a lick of
good. If I ever DO open the document back up with the intention of finishing, I
have completely lost the fire and zeal that motivated me to begin writing in
the first place, and I quickly shove it back into the “waiting to be re-written”
But, no
more! It is time to accept the fact that “not good enough” is good enough! It
is time to realize that few people read this little blog and no one who matters
is going to bash me for not being a professional-quality writer. I have things
I think need to be said, and they don’t have to be said perfectly before I post
it here on my personal blog.
So, I
intend to post one article a week, starting now. Encouraging comments are
welcome, and thought-provoking comments are encouraged! What I write is not
earth-shattering or mind-blowing, but it’s what I think and care about. And, I’ll
never get better at blogging if I never actually post anything.
My babies
just woke up from a nap, which means I am out of time to finish writing
everything I wanted to say here. But that’s okay. I’m posting anyway!
This blog
is to be continued…
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