It’s summertime! Which also means it’s that time of year when
many people mysteriously misplace their clothes. I’ve seen a lot of posts lately
encouraging people to keep their clothes on and think about how their wardrobe
choices are affecting their brothers and sisters in Christ. In response, I’ve
seen a lot of angry comments from people who are indignant at the suggestion
that they should put thought into what they put on. After all, men are
responsible for keeping their minds pure and women cannot control whether or
not men make the decision to look places they shouldn’t. Women should be free
to wear what they want without being in constant fear of provoking some man to
lust. Besides, it’s really not so hard to just not look! Or so the comments go.
It’s true. Men are responsible for what they dwell on, and
if they are lusting after a woman that is a sinful decision they have made. But
I don’t think most women comprehend how difficult it is to refrain from looking
upon what ought not be seen when there is hardly a direction one can turn one’s
eyes without landing on some forbidden view.